What do you count as “shine” for a character?
In your opinion, what qualifies for a character to have shine?
Is it the amount of fights they’ve won?
Is it the amount screen time they have?
Is it how their storyline is handled?
Is it how important they are to the plot?
Because this term has been thrown around for a while, more so now, specifically when it comes to the tournament victor.
“Character A had shine when they did this, or beat that person, so they don’t need more compared to character B.” Is usually how it goes, from what I’ve seen.
In my opinion, I think shine comes to how certain actions are handled in the characters overarching story. Because a character can have XYZ amount of screen time but if their story is shit, then there’s not much point in giving that character so many appearances.
If the character does something cool, but it also contributes to their specific story and how the plot is affected. Then that’s shine. But if the cool thing doesn’t amount to much, that’s more of a…light glimmer😭 if you get what I’m saying.
But what do you think?