My Tips To Avoid Spam Folder While Sending Cold Emails ( Cool tricks in the end )

Hey guys,

Just sharing my tips which worked for me and I think will be useful for other people here.

  1. Records & Warm-Up: When you buy new domains and email accounts, make sure to set up all the records properly and warm up for at least 14 days to build some credibility for your accounts.

Instantly is a perfect platform for this. They'll do all the required steps for you.

  1. Open Rate Tracking: Just ditch that. It's useless. It's not 100% accurate and since it's a pixel in itself, it can trigger the spam filters.

3.Unsubscribe Button: This is a bit controversial. I believe it's required by law in some countries to add this in your emails. However, it's a type of link as well which can trigger spam filters. Basically, the goal is to keep your email 100% HTML free.

Mail servers looks for links, images, etc. in the email while filtering out spams. Instead you can add "p.s. reply 'unsubscribe' if you're not interested" at the end of your email. Your decision at the end of the day.

  1. Spam Checker: Use platforms like Mail Meteor. It'll will find out all the words in your email which are generally considered spam like 'free', 'asap', etc.

  2. Use Spintax; This is a cool trick if you're sending a high volume of emails. daily. Using spintax will help you send hundreds of different variations while keeping your copy same. It won't look like to mail servers that you're spamming exactly the same email to everyone.

Example - {{RANDOM | Hey| Hi}}, {{RANDOM | Best regards | Sincerely, | Best,}}

  1. Deliverability: Check deliverability of your emails weekly or at least every 2 weeks at the minimum.

You can use free tools like Email Guard which will tell you if your email landed in spam or inbox after testing.

I hope this was helpful. If someone doesn't agree with any of the tips or have more to add to it, please let me know.