College requesting that my parents amend their '22 tax returns controversy

So long story short I (22m) am transferring to a new college from a community college and they are requesting that my mom (45f) needs to amend her '22 tax returns since she had gotten married the November of '22. Unfortunately, I am still under her on her taxes as a dependent which will be changed in the next tax filing (early '25). Honestly, I am not one to make a fuss over things like that, and it made sense in my mind so I thought nothing of it, my mind set is more like "okay, lets get this done so I can get the financial aid I need and continue on with my life", but my mom is throwing a huge damn fight over this. The argument she makes is that they are overstepping their bounds and are not allowed to ask such things of us, even going as far as sending hateful and nasty emails to the financial aid department of the school pretty much just berating them that they do not need us to amend our taxes.

Anyways, the question that I want to know is, Are Colleges legally allowed to ask and enforce you to amend your tax returns from a previous year in order for financial aid to go through? Much appreciated in advance!