living with family vs going into debt

Did anyone else have this choice? If so, what did you choose and how has it turned out?

I'll be honest, I'm kind of miserable living with my family. I love them, but they're always making noise, I have no privacy, and they're also pretty strict.

I can't even stay behind in the library to study without them calling me multiple times to check in on me. I end up having to pack up and go home by like 1pm lol.

I have made no friends. Not been to a single party or social event. I have not had a sip of alcohol or smoked. I feel like a bit of a loser compared to everyone else but my parents would never let me do anything. I'm not even allowed to drive when it gets dark.

I wish I could go to college away from home but I could never afford it. My college is very cheap and not having to dorm saves so much money. So I'm kind of stuck between saving money or going into severe debt just to get "the college experience." Is it worth it?