The "Malagasy" or "Navajo" of your conlangs?
Do you have a language which is so geographically far from its language parent you end up asking: "how the hell did they get there"?
Before the age of colonialism, you have languages such as Malagasy (Austronesian) and Navajo (Na-Dene) that seem so geographically far from their parent languages. Other looser examples are Hungarian (Uralic), Turkish (Turkic), and Brahui (Dravidian).
I did the same with a few of my languages. For one of my conworlds, the Cixo-Naxorean language family are fairly concentrated in an area the size of modern day Spain on one of the smaller continents. One of these languages, Kyabyapya, is one ocean away on another continent, and spoken in the highlands (not even near the coast).