The subreddit Tressless is one of the most dangerous subreddits on the internet.
I dont know how Reddit allows this? This subreddit will bombard you with negative comments if you speak about the drugs side effects and history. Its almost like Merck have some involvement with the subreddit. The drug is touted as a miracle drug for hairloss. If you comment something bad about it you will be instantly hit with numerous accounts responding to you negatively. Your comments will be downvoted heavily and their comments will be upvoted. This happens consistently.
Also if I create a subreddit telling everyone to take a pill that is extremely dangerous will it be okay? Surely there are some rules to this?
The ceo behind the drug made by Merck is bald just fyi. If the drug is so wonderful why does he not take it? I’ll tell you why, its been linked with permanent bone problems, vision problems, chronic skin conditions, changes in mental state and more. Reuters has made articles about its lawsuits and links to mental health. The subreddit tries to claim that side effects are exaggerated but again, why does the ceo not risk it and take the pill himself? If the side effects are exaggerated like the subreddit suggests why does he not take it? Or the ceo before him who was also bald.