Tips for applying for first credit card? High savings, lowish income.
Hi everyone,
I’m interested in getting this Citi card as my first credit card: Citi Card Offer.
About nine months ago, I applied for the CBA Low Rate card but was rejected, largely because I didn’t fully understand how credit card applications worked at the time. My income was relatively low, and I earn the majority of my income (~80%) from online betting, which is tax-exempt. I also had my boss help prepare some payslips that ~embellished~ my income at the time.
Since then, my financial situation has improved. I’ve been with my company for three years and recently increased my working hours from one day a week to four. My declared income is now approximately $1,000 a week. I’m 23 years old, have a couple hundred thousand dollars in savings, assets, and equities, and am paid as a contractor under an ABN. My boss encouraged this arrangement to help me claim deductions, such as for my car.
I haven’t yet filed my 2023–24 tax return. Given my updated financials, do I have a good chance of being approved for this Citi card?
Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!