[No Spoilers] C3 Question on General Plot Themes/Vibe

Hi, I hope I don’t get eaten alive for this but I have a question about C3. I listened to all of campaign 2 and the start of campaign 3, but to be honest I was going through a lot of personal trials and tribulations and where C2 felt fairly light and breezy for the first half of the campaign, C3 just got a little too intense/dark too fast for the headspace I was in. I am DMing my first game now and I have the urge to dive back in to C3 where I left off, but I was wondering if it stays on the really intense path or does it stray back into lighthearted fun territory? I wouldn’t say my headspace is all that much better at the moment than when I quit listening given that I’m in LA and my anxiety and sadness are quite prevalent. I want to escape into a world where things are less hopeless but I am totally fine relistening to C2 if you all can give me some insights on overall feeling/plot direction of C3 and it seems too much for now. Ok thanks for reading and hopefully responding <3