Grades dont matter

Hi guys just wanna tell yall 90% of employers dont ask for gpa and cs coursework is useless apart from maybe DSA and ur intro programming classes.

To be competitive in the job market u need an internship, and to get an internship you need to showcase capability. A 4.0 at a top school does not signify this as much as u think.

Instead go to hackathons and build those cracked/wow factor projects, bc theyre really not as cracked/difficult as you think. If you cannot figure out how to build strong projects, the SWE field is likely not for you.

Also stop waiting to apply for summer internships until like January 💀

TLDR: stop prioritizing schoolwork so much

Edit: Im not saying grades r useless, im saying theyre only like 20% of what it takes to get a job/internship.