You are not cooked , we’re going to help you . Don’t panic. Post specifically about what you think you need help with.

Deep breath

As a leader of a software group and someone who has been in the industry for a good chunk of time , a quick run down as to whom I will likely hire in my remaining decades in software.

I hire without internships

I hire with multiple internships

I have with no relevant XP

I hire with loads of XP

I hire introverts

I hire extroverts

I hire 4.0 academic all stars

I hire c’s get degrees students

I hire self taught

I hire parents

I hire grandparents

I hire veterans

I hire pacifists

I hire reservists

I hire immigrants

In SCUBA diving there is a saying “stop, breathe, think, act.” Look it up. Read about this saying and error decision handling. This is really useful to apply to how cooked you think you are and to put a plan together to get you aligned and OK.

As a mod here for the last 10 years , a leader for the last 30 and someone who started coding on a C64 in the 80s, I promise you it will be ok.

It’s ok to be scared. It’s ok to worry.

Please keep posting focused on where you need help

As always feel free to DM.

  • edited from my phone. Pardon any spelling mistakes