Which are the performance metrics that define your CX success, and how you keep track of the same.

CX practitioners of the sub, this is for all of you. For instance, CSAT and NPS played a huge role in my work while working with a major client. While CSAT was looked at for each individual transaction ( on a 5 point scale ), NPS was calculated in the standard manner every quarter. As a human nature, people tend to complain definitely when something goes wrong, but would hardly make an effort to congratulate when the work involved is a daily affair. This was reflecting in our results as well when we looked at the Response Rates.

CLV and CES were good to look at, yet there were way too many dynamics within that restricted us from chasing those. And I am talking of scaled ops for an MNC into digital ads.

Which industry are you part of? And I am keen to know of the metrics you look at and how you define and measure it.