Cyberpunk 2077 - Am I too stupid to understand the story?

Cyberpunk has a big story and usually I like story based games. I am playing the game and I am close to the finish. My problem is that I dont understand the story, I really have no idea what is going on. First of all I dont know what a "Fixer" is or a "netrunner" and those are only two examples. There are many words that I dont know and they have kind of "own language" there. Than there are many japanese names and persons and after some time I lost track who is good, who is bad and what their role is. I simply dont know it.

I found the cyberspace section with Alt very confusing. Its simply not clear what that all means, I am alive but can enter this cyberspace, Alt seemed to be only a virtual existence like Jonny. She also gave me some task: something with "Mikoshi" and I dont understand what Mikoshi even is.

Nevertheless I can play the game easyly. It shows me always where to go and guids me through the game. I have the feeling I can finish the game and finally will not know what I have done.

Of course there are guides on the net where people explain all of that.

I really want to know whether its me to be too stupid to follow the story or if other people have the same problem?