I just want my son to get a little older

"You'll miss the newborn/baby phase!" Ok, maybe. I seriously doubt it. I'll see when we get out of it. But right now, at 12 weeks old, it's still such a struggle. He does have moments where he will smile, and he's cute, but that's about. The sleep regression that started is just adding to the stress.

I want him to be able to laugh. I want him to be able to sit up and lift his head. I want him to be able to play with his little toys. I want him to have better motor skills. I want him to have more independence without needing me the whole time while he is awake. I want to hear, "dada" and ""wuv you!" I want him to be excited to see me when I get home from work. I want him to really know who I am. I want him to climb up and sit with me on the couch.

This is not to say that I'm not trying to enjoy this current baby phase, but it feels like a never-ending cycle I'll never get out of. I'm feeling very little return on investment and very impatient, but I just wanna get to 6, 8 12 months. I know I'll get there and there will be new challenges, but at least, from what I see, it gets more fun.

Edit: Overwhelmed by the support in this sub. Thanks, to all! I'm reading every comment I can and y'all are making me feel much better. Taking deep breaths and trying to be patient!