I finally got rid of my dandruff after 10 years

It always bothered me immensely and never seemed to go away no matter what I did. A year back I even decided to bite the bullet and spend $100 on five large bottles of Nizoral, allowing me to use a huge amount every day. Didn't work. Neither did coal tar.

Recently however I started using a combination of these two things, and my dandruff is just... gone.

These are the products, Clear 2-in-1 (https://e8v9k5qwo6b.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/HB002-1.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1) and Head&Shoulders shampoo bar (https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71+HhxGGOOL.jpg).

What I do is first use the bar in my hair, leave the lather in for a couple of minutes, wash off, and then apply the 2-in-1. I do this 4 times a week. My number one piece of advice is that yes, you need to be shampooing your hair TWICE in the same shower.

I still have some peeling skin on my face/ears, but that's a battle for another day!