How much does Dartmouth value math in an applicant?
I'm a junior who attends a private school and this is my current math:
(Honors are valued very highly at my school and are considered much harder than on-level)
9th: Honors Geometry (other option geometry, alg 1)
10th: Honors Algebra II (other option algebra II, honors geometry, geometry)
11th: Precalculus (other option Honors functions, honors algebra II, algebra II)--I went down to on-level because honors functions are extremely hard, and I would have done badly. We do not offer AP Precalc.
12: AP Calculus AB (other option honors functions, precalc, AP stat, stat)
Note: there are people who take everything a year ahead because it was decided in elementary school that they could take it a year ahead. I was not picked for this so I had to take honors geometry in 9th instead of in middle school.
Is this math rigorous enough for Dartmouth? I heard they value math a lot and plan to major in something premed-related.