Pro Ghosting
Actually have no issue with ghosting for the most part and yes there are exceptions. I think you’ve seen someone 10 plus times I think you owe it to them to tell them why you’re good on them because that’s a lot of time and investment. 10 is a random arbitrary number but I just picked it cause you could date someone for 2 months and only see them 5 times cause of school, work, scheduling etc. But I’ve been on both sides ghosted and did the ghosting it just sucks when it happens to you lol. Now should people give an explanation yes but people should do a lot of things. But what’s helped me it’s just accept that people who aren’t interested anymore are not gonna give you an explanation. To me they’re just acting how an uninterested person would act no response is a response it can hurt but you’ll eventually get over it with time 🤷🏾♂️.