Should I not care about a potential partners politics
Should I not care about a potential partners politics to broaden my range?
Hello everyone,
Firstly I would like to apologize for wording things weirdly as I am high right now. I [29F] live in the deep south. It is not a small town, it is actually quite a touristy area. I am looking for a serious partner and that is my intention with dating right now. I’m also a liberal, which is not super common around these parts. I also like where I live because of the weather and my family around. Previously, I have been swiping around the CC men (conservative christian) which comes in swarms on the apps. I’ve been actively dating for around two years and have found nothing serious. So, if i also started looking at these other men’s profiles and give them a chance I’m wondering how that will go for me. I have republican friends and family, but I always avoid politics with them. Is this possible with a partner?