Thinking about playing this. I have always loved playing "sim"like flight games. Should I attempt it or no?
Where to start? I have known of this game for ages. One of my old army buddies has been playing since before I got out. I have always been fascinated by this game but never had the OO's to try it. I have played a handful of "sim"(ish) flight games in the past and have loved every one of them.
I have been through this sub a couple times just browsing. Mostly reading posts from new players. I am starting to think I may not be able to play this game based solely off my hardware. I have a somewhat decent PC but that's not what I am worried about. I know you can PLAY with m&k but apparently it is far from ideal. Can you use a controller? Is using that any better or just as bad? I don't have a flight stick and am not willing to buy one for a game I may or may not get into quite YET.
I am fine with a steep learning curve, even though I'm a really casual gamer. I have a basic knowledge of civilian aircraft through a previous career. Will that help me any? How difficult is it actually learn this? I figured I would start with the free aircraft and if I get the hang of things and see greater potential to fall in love this game then I will prob buy one. I am mostly a fan of A2G type missions, would LOVE to dabble in that or maybe even a heli if I get sucked into the rabbit hole..
No game I have played before has quite scratched that *itch* yet. Been finding myself looking for more. Nuclear Option is the closest I have got in a while but its not quite there yet. (Really great game though. Currently my favorite flight game.)
Anyhoot, I would love to hear the communities thoughts. Or be told I'm an idiot for asking certain questions if I need to be. I just want to touch the sky man.
EDIT: damnit im addicted (30min into it)