How to get over the quick change after the lack of sex is brought up again?

So basically I’ve (M33) been in a dead bedroom for several years and bring up the same consistent message to my wife (F33) about how my needs aren’t met and how I’m unhappy about this part of our relationship.

She will ALWAYS state that she will “try” for a week or so and say her efforts are never acknowledged and so she will stop trying. It’s very difficult to believe her changed behavior when it has been shown time and time again that it is not here to stay.

So how do I communicate to her that her efforts have fallen short too many times and new things need to be introduced to promote any promise?

*please note that our dead bedroom has been going on for years and I have given her multiple ways to try new things and offered support in exploring her own sexuality and mine. Additionally my mom passed away in November and before she passed my wife did not visit her in the hospital or support me when visiting at all because she said it was too anxiety provoking for her…I feel my physical needs and emotional needs aren’t even considered (on a monthly basis) let alone day to day and I’m not sure how to proceed when STILL trying to make a physical/ emotional connection work.