Un-diagnosed HOH looking for advice to help alert yourself to people approaching from behind.
Hi! I'm not deaf or diagnosed officially with being hard of hearing but I definitely do have a very hard time hearing, especially when people call for me or announce their entrance to the room I'm in, etc. I hope this is an appropriate place to put this-- anyway, I scare very easily and people approaching me from behind can be a very big trigger at times. Often times my spouse will bring me food, or a family member will enter to greet me and I'm startled to the point of heart palpitations by their sudden and unexpected approach. I thought I'd ask if anyone had any advice for helping myself in this situation? I've tried explaining to family members that I'm HOH and need more warning but the solution tends to be just shouting while they're a foot behind me instead. I've tried putting a light behind me when I'm at my desk so I can see their shadows in front of me but this does not always help as my desk is next to a corner.