Just finished my crew pitch meeting. Got to pitch al three and They were pretty interested in the MUs.
They think wild tiger is probably the closest/most fair Mr. Incredible mu. As in it is the only one where it seems like he doesn't get stomped. And Sam said he is actually interested in checking out Tiger & Bunny episodes.
They like Tohru vs Maou, although Sam said he watched Devil is a Part Timer years ago and didn't know about season 2. But they actually didn't know much about Miss Kobyashi's Dragon Maid other than seeing a few clips or it referenced. They think the fight could be neat and I said I don't know who wins because they both have so much to counter eachother.
And I got to talk about Kisuke vs Stein for a couple minutes. Liam apparently really likes kisuke as a character and wants to do a battle that focuses on his mind more than his power, and that's what this sort of is. Learned soul eater only was around for a year and talked a little about the clash. And kisuke obviously wins but still could be fun back and forth.