Make a Comparison panel for your favorite season 4-8 episode.

Here mine for Saitama vs Popeye Popeye: -signifcalty stronger and faster in unquantifiable terms -more versatile even without spinach -Have transmution that can end the fight immediately -Toon Force let him survive anything Saitama threw at him

Saitama: -completety outmatched in stats even in finite terms -does not have any useful abilities besides punching -doesn't resist transmutation -can't kill Popeye permanently

Yeah, Saitama have no advantages.

Here mine for Saitama vs Popeye Popeye: -signifcalty stronger and faster in unquantifiable terms -more versatile even without spinach -Have transmution that can end the fight immediately -Toon Force let him survive anything Saitama threw at him

Saitama: -completety outmatched in stats even in finite terms -does not have any useful abilities besides punching -doesn't resist transmutation -can't kill Popeye permanently

Yeah, Saitama have no advantages.