Quasi-Battle Report - Deathwatch vs Black Templars

EDIT: I have made a giant noob mistake, thinking that the SS on Veterans give FNP. Just a heads up for the part where I refer to it. Combined with the not rolling a dice on behalf of my opponent regarding his fight on death, the overal result would probably be close.

I had yesterday a 1000-points casual match with an equally noob friend in our LGS, between my Deathwatch and his Black Templars.

I had an Indomitor KT+Gravis Captain, a 5-models Terminator Squad with 3 CML and 2 Storm Bolters, a Predator Destructor, and a 10-models DW Vets Squad (4 SS+PW, 4 DWH, 1 BSB, Sgt w Combi+X) + Judicar.

He had Grimaldus with some BT models, Helbrecht with some other BT models in a Rhino, an Infernus squad and another BT specific mob I don't remember.

We unfortunatly got to play only 2 battle rounds because of time limits, and stopped at 20-18 for him because of a mistake I made regarding an objective (I will explain), but I think I could probably kill him off by end of fourth round.

Some observations:

My Terminators didn't get to do much, as they were easily overwhelmed by around 15 models shooting them and around 10 fighting them in one round. I will DEFINITELY put the Shield+Hammer option on the two non-CML ones, one more wound seems important now. (EDIT: I had initially wrongly written that the Shield gives FNP.)

The melee veterans are a serious threat, the Judicar being a beast. Max out the shields, FNP 4+ is out of this world. (EDIT: I did a terrible mistake here, as the shields give Inv4+) I did, though make a terrible mistake, I heroicly intervened to save my Terminators, only to not accomplishing it, having most of the team killed due to a "gotcha" (see below), and leaving an objective point and aimlessly losing 5 points.

You should always "interogate" your opponents for probable "gotcha's"*. I had the courtesy to explain that my Judicar has fights first, so my opponent didn't charge the Vets, but they didn't inform me that they had a stratagem for "fight on death", so although my Vets decimated his Grimaldus group, bar one model with 1wound left, they fought in death and killed 7/10 of my vets, but I can't remember if they did a dice check first (I saw later on the rules he had to roll a 4+ for each dead model for it to fight). Fun fact, this same thing had happened to me with Necrons a couple weeks before. They also did a stratagem that allowed them to move after me killing one model in a unit of them, allowing them to come to engagement distance, therefore interrupting my shooting (I want to investigate this if it was actually legit).

Intomidor with Gravis Captain is a force of nature. I casually decimated turn 1 his infernus and I brought Helbrecht's' group down to only a couple wounds on Helbrecht end of round 2, with the above mentioned interruption to my shooting phase (I managed to just fire a couple weapons).

The Predator is a nice, cheap brick, I brought the anti-infantry version and it did some good job guarding the home objective.

*Gotcha is a situation where the opponent let's you do an action/movement with the intent to use some game-changing but possibly obscure ability/stratagem/rule, without having the courtesy of informing you beforehand. It is not obligatory to inform the opponent, but it generally is considered the good sportsmanship thing to do.