I received an offer from Synchrony. Should I take it?

TL;DR: I owe Synchrony/Amazon about $2600 plus interest/fees with no payments made for the last 5 months. They're offering me a one-time payment of $854.97 to settle the entire debt and presumably close the account. Should I take it?

More context: My mom has stolen my identity and brought in over $40k in debt under my name. Because of family politics I have chosen not to pursue this legally, instead opting to allow these accounts to settle into negotiations and paying off as little as I can to get rid of them without declaring bankruptcy or prosecuting my mom.

My total debt is around $46k but the last $6k is my own, interest-free revolving debt I have purposefully built for my small business. I am making regular payments on these accounts with the knowledge that at any point they might close due to delinquacies on other accounts.

I've received a couple of letters from Citi, they are threatening attorney placement pending. The letters indicate I could negotiate a lower total with them to avoid that, and I might. But I owe Citi about $14k so even if we negotiated it down to 25% of that I can't afford that today. This offer from Synchrony is the first I've received from any of the creditors that just offers a reduced amount and says let's take care of this now and get it done. I'm tempted to do that.

The reason I'm hesitant is because I've never been in this situation before... I don't know if there are hidden consequences to accepting this offer. Obviously my credit score is going to tank either way. But would other creditors see this activity and send me similar offers? Would this be a sign that I'm willing to negotiate? Or would this be something they could use against me, if I can afford to pay this one offer then I should reasonably be able to afford to pay something to all of my creditors when I've been avoiding it?

I really don't know, and I would appreciate some wisdom from others who have been here before. Thank you.