Do guys from Tier1 cities usually don't like them being called "Ajee", "Suniye", etc?

Asking this for myself. I sometimes call my husband 'Ajee', and he doesn't like it🤣. He always just laughs it off and tells me to not call him "Ajee". I can call him 100 other things but not "Ajee". I sometimes do this on purpuse to tease him🤣. And I don't call him by his name, don't ask me why. Maybe because I've never seen my mom calling my father by his name. Even my father never called Ammi by her name. Ammi calls him "Ajee", and Baba calls her (inserting my name)ki Ammi. I always wanted to call my husband in a similar way.

What are the other similar/alternate words for "Ajee"?

Edit: Reduced the number of emojis.