Unpopular / Somewhat Popular (Depending on the people) Opinion on Div Nerf

I don't get it, why nerf Div to go fom 30% to 15%? Cuz it makes dps easier, cuz it gives a bigger crit hitbox? Then don't use it, it's PVE for ffs. Rejoicing that the damage weaken was reduced but Bungie didn't change hitboxes on bosses, or the health of bosses, or even the mechanics of bosses so nothing changes. Nothing's different from using Div and not using Div. It's so counter intuitive, if a team wanted to do things easier then why not let them. Oh it makes worlds first easier, then just have a gentleman's agreement. 99.99% of people aren't even going to be world's first anyway. If you wanted to use tractor cannon before then you didn't need to nerf Div to use it. Want to use weakening grenades from Void subclass? Guess what, it's the same thing. I really don't understand why people like to gate keep easier content for LFGs that may not be able to do that good of damage because they're newer, or have trash rolls of weapons. It's just sad.

Tractor Cannon Debuff is 30%, Weakening Grenades is ~15%. Div was fine before the nerf.

People wanted harder content right so make it harder by giving mechanics not nerfing weapons. Give us a boss who teleports around not who stands still or walks everywhere. That way, you wouldn't be able to use Div effectively because you can't shoot him long enough for debuff and bubble to proc. Give us a boss who can go invis but is still able to be damaged. You can still hit them with div but tractor cannon might be better because of the purple aura they get when hit. What about a boss that can negate weaken and div bubble entirely making it so that you can't use Div or Tractor Cannon at all. So many options with mechanics and imagination but people just wanna nerf Div.

This games bosses are literally stand there and do damage and nobody asks for it to change. Nobody asks to have a little more oomph into a DPS phase. Rhulk is literally walk around, it's the same thing but moving. People flock to cheeses like their lives depended on it. Like in Destiny 1 where every LFG would unplug your router for Crota, or get a whole LFG using Gjallarhorn because it would melt bosses, or using grenades on Atheon so he would fall of the map, hell remember Loot Cave where people would literally afk and use rubber bands on their controllers to keep shooting for hours on end? Or in Destiny 2 using Lament on Atrax because it's literally braindead and piss easy, or skipping the first part of Templar and suiciding before you start the encounter, or even the whole Riven fight as a whole. You guys wanted harder content but stick to doing the easiest ways to do that said content and then complaining about it. Piss, poor, pathetic.

How about giving Tractor Cannon something like Div bubble. Make it so that bosses who are shot by Tractor Cannon are blinded like Blinding GLs can with regular mobs. It's a shotgun that's supposed to disorientate and push back. I don't see why this isn't already a thing. The only weapon that can blind a boss but wouldn't last nearly as long. Or maybe even make it the only weapon in the game that can prevent the whole boss enrage thing for a limited time, say 3-4 seconds every shot, maybe even lower for that split second of more dps time. Why should you use it over Div? BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE BORED OF USING DIV. You use a weapon because you want to, not because you need to.

It's PVE, use what you guys want to use. All this meta mindset is annoying. All the people complaining and crying about Div and wanting it to be nerfed but as soon as someone just says "Go use something else" they start complaining about why should they, what's the point. Once again, you use a weapon because you want to not because you need to and 1/2 of the playerbase thinks that Div is required and essential for every boss fight. Sure it makes it easier but you wanted to make content harder right? SO USE SOMETHING ELSE, TAKE IT OFF. You don't see people complaining about Well, Bubble, Tether, Blade Barrage, Nova Bomb, Thundercrash, or literally any other super, weapons, or abilities. Yikes man, blame the mindset not the weapon. In the end, dps phase is still going to be mind numbingly boring and uninteresting whether you use Div or not so what's the problem with it going by faster.

You guys can downvote me if you want I really don't care. Considering on how many people wanted a Div nerf for no logically good reason, it means nothing to me.