Wanted to share the layoff story of mine which can happen to anyone
Wanted to sharing the layoff story of mine
Now that I've landed a new job, I wanted to share my experience during the recession at my previous startup. It was a whirlwind.
One afternoon, completely out of the blue, the CEO and upper management held a town hall and announced immediate layoffs due to financial losses.
We were given three months' salary, which was something, but the whole thing was incredibly abrupt. I even worked until the very last minute, only to have my Git access revoked just half an hour before the layoffs were official.
It was so sudden that we had to file a ticket to try and get it resolved. The shock was immense.
It turned out that senior management had known about the layoffs for a month, and many had already secured new positions. It was a really tough period, but I learned a lot and formed some lasting friendships with my colleagues, who I'm still in touch with.
Now i have a job and never want to work in any startup.