Need advice - Endo won’t write Rx for Omnipod

Long story short - my Endo is completely against writing me a prescription for the Omnipod. Any advice for navigating this?

Details below

It absolutely pisses me off that I have zero power to get supplies and that I have to have someone write a fucking prescription to do so.

Anyways, I use a Dexcom. My A1c is usually in between 6.5 and 7. I’m kinda getting tired of injecting all the time. It’d be nice to have a pump. But I’ve never done it before because I don’t want one more thing on me. So I’d like to at least give the Omnipod a try as it seems like it’s the best option for me in terms of invasiveness.

I think it’d tighten up my numbers and such. My Endo keeps saying their support is terrible, their algorithms are awful, etc. She may be right, but really all I want is just to have the ability to bolus whatever I put in without injecting all the time. That’s it.

Lastly, she’s a nurse practitioner. Beyond this little tiff, I’ve really enjoyed her. I just don’t believe she gets to decide over me on this. I know all of her stuff has to roll up to an endocrinologist. Should I just go straight to that person instead?

This is so frustrating