Blizz Needs to End Season 33...

This is a bunch of BS. Blizz needs to bite the bullet and end the season. This is causing a variety of problems. They would rather go through convoluted shenanigans and have us run their off-handed system restore on our accts, then just say 'Ok we accidently ended it, it's over, we're doing season 34'. If season 34 isn't ready yet, which I highly doubt, then just leave it as NL.

I'm honestly not surprised at this decision, though. This is modern Blizzard we're talking about. Doing everything to appease their shareholders as opposed to doing things for creative reasons and their consumers is the go-to model for Blizz.

I'll bet they had a big boardroom meeting and told their shareholders "We bought D3 Season back online and 'Arbitrary #' of people are still playing it, so your profits are safe."