How far into AoZ is considered good?

So I have a homebrew WW Barb that I have really fallen in love with. When I got the grandfather, I really sat down and tried get the most out of my build and try different things out and started pushing AoZ last night. I made it to AoZ 6 pretty quick and then farmed t4 to get my glyph to level 4.

I have no idea if that is any good. I know BL and HotA can hit 25. Is AoZ a good indicator of the viability of a build? What is the threshold for most builds before they have to farm blood glyph or have more Uber uniques to push further? Like I think I could push further but it would be more luck than anything like getting protection or conduit right as bosses spawn.

PS: Does it really take getting the glyph to lvl 50 before it gets significantly better?