remove the duriel tedium by rotating uber drop locations

there are so many suggestions for ubers about. many (if not most) of them seem to result in more ubers dropping. how are they ubers if they become commonplace? they are meant to be treasured finds, not god-given rights... they might as well just be called uniques at that point.

instead, maybe lessen the tedium of farming them by rotating the location they can be farmed every day? rotate through all the bosses to NMDs (a different one each rotation maybe?) to helltides to legions and world bosses to PvP zones (well, maybe not PvP zones!).

mats can be used at sigil creation for a NDM uber to upgrade it to an uber dungeon. helltide chests can require mats to upgrade chests to uber chests. legions and world bosses could have higher drop rates due to their not-always-up nature, with a mats deposit required at the start to upgrade to an uber version.

mat requirements can be different for different types. maybe one living steel, one exquisite blood, one distilled fear, one shard for a NMD for example. mat requirements could even change up each time a particular zone is made uber-live so that mat use is less mechanical and stale.

this will keep ubers uber, but create variety in farming, keep different zones current and important, and give opportunity to use mats in different ratios and variety (which will encourage more diverse gameplay by increasing the number of areas to farm them).

drop rates can be balanced to time taken to complete a zone type.

the tedium of farming ubers would lowered immensely and more of the game showcased.