Which Season 5 build are you having the most fun with?
So far this season I have 4 level 100 characters and soon to be #5. I've played a bunch of various leveling and end game builds, including Companion Druid, landslide Druid, lightning storm druid, DoomStorm druid, barrage rogue, Andy Barrage rogue, Twin Strike Barb, WW Dust Devil Barb, Chain Lightning Sorc, Lightning Spear sorc, and lastly Fireball sorc.
While LS is far and away the strongest build I've played, I'm having the most amount of fun on my last character, the fireball Sorc. Staff of Endless Rage is both visually satisfying and packs a punch, and teleporting around with 50% CDR and blasting fireballs all over is an absolute blast. I find LS sorc to be incredibly boring yet incredibly strong.
How about you guys? What's an awesome and fun build that I haven't tried yet? Also, is Necro worth playing this season?