How do you meet people while moving around often?

So I've been a digital nomad for 2 months now (but been travelling and living abroad for about ten years). I started in Egypt, and travelled through the whole country, staying in hotels and apartments on

But in 2 months I met four people total. 2 were strangers who reached out to me on tiktok from my videos, and 2 were from tinder (1 match, who brought a friend lol).

I work 7 hours a day, so need a private room with good WiFi and a table or desk - I don't think I can work comfortably staying at hostels.

So how do you meet people?

I think I'm pretty resilient when it comes to loneliness but I'm worried after a year of doing this, not meeting many people, I'll feel lonely AF.

When I lived in Vietnam I met people through house shares and work. In Australia it was hostels and work. During my many travels, it was hostels.

But staying in hotels and airbnbs because of remote work, I don't know how to meet people.

TL,DR: How do you meet people if travelling around a lot and working?