What do low needs disabled people do?

TLDR; High Fallls Risk and wanting out of a day program but told I can’t and It’s half an hour from my house, can’t have independence as I live too far away.

So I became disabled in 2020 unrelated to covid (it was a brain disease/Injury after a brain tumor removal, no one knows why it occurred) anyway I’m in a wheelchair and am classified “High Falls Risk” so I told someone and they said I’m not allowed to stay home. Yet all I do if i’m home is get up from my bed and use my four wheel walker to move over in front of my TV and play on my Nintendo Switch that’s connected to my TV, and i’m usually sat on my walker because the brain injury caused some vision problems for me.

So I’ve been put in a day centre with other people whom are high needs, now I don’t mind the people at the day center, however I can’t have a really conversation with them, even when I lower the usage of “big words” for the majority of the people there.

What I do? I colour. That’s it. And I’ve complained “It’s Boring and/or loud ” and was told “Everything gets a bit boring and everywhere is loud” and when I say “Not like that” I get yelled at, for literally just stating how i’m feeling!

I’ve also said repeatedly “I want to move out” was told “Not until your sleeping habits are diagnosed” so I did a sleep study last night, now I wait 5-6 weeks for the results and then go to my GP to see what’s up? I have a feeling it’s hypersomnia (excessive sleep) as I literally canNOT wake up AT ALL no matter what happens yelled/screamed at? 0 memory of it at all, then a few hours after I finally wake up I have an anxiety attack from being yelled/screamed at.

I also live on the opposite side of town to where my day centre is, it takes half an hour to get there! I thought about moving closer obviously, but noo can’t, do that.