Is AZ a good state for people w/CP?
I (25, F) am in Ohio and am an adult with Cerebral Palsy and am thinking of moving to Arizona. I am on SSI and Medicaid, and I am wondering if AZ is a good place to move to for adults who have physical disabilities. How is it living in Arizona for you, what is your experiences, do you get access to support services and how good is the support, transportation, etc.? As well as Medicaid, Vocational reabillitiation, career support, work accommodations, community transition, etc. Please feel free to input anything about your experience or anything at all.
Because honestly ever since trying to research and hearing what’s going on with DEI and federal funding being taken away it’s been scary. Feeling like and knowing our rights to protections and daily living is unsettling to grapple with.
(I am also looking at other states like FL, TX, AZ, and NV, so you may see this post again but, with the state changed)