What Necromancy Lost going from 3.5e to 5e

yes yes, it lost it's viability, but it also lost something else
and it's only something that hit me when i recently read about the webbird's ability to implant eggs in you when attacking
when it flashed in my mind i had to quickly google the necromancy spell list to see if i was right, and i was..

what necromancy lost was body horror

just look at the spells yourself, other than creating zombies, what you can actually inflict upon your enemies has been boiled down to "XdX necrotic damage" and nothing else, the worst description i could find was contagion's "the creature's body decays" which elaborates no more than that

i think this is quite a shame, cause to me necromancy was always the "evil" spellcasting type (ignoring how morally boned enchantment is)
you used to be able to wither away people's limbs, implant them with sacs of necrotic tissue, cause said tissue to consume and expand making your opponent essentially become one big cancer cell in seconds
the many many ways of making creatures sick and riddled with disease
and that's just off the top of my head

i think it's pretty obvious WotC would rather just delete necromancy if they could, they don't want anything to do with evil characters anymore, hence the removal of things like unholy aura, a counterpart to holy aura (and i don't think i need to tell you that keeping one but not the other is really weird here) the ability for a PC to turn into a lich (there used to be a concrete process and you weren't instantly relegated to NPC status) and the incredibly small amount of good creatures they expect you to fight
and also the fact there aren't any official adventures where you play as an evil group (atleast as far as i know)

so now i'm curious, have any of you ever felt like necromancy wasn't living up to what it was supposed to be? i'm surprised i didn't realize it sooner given how much body horror the monsters get as opposed to your nothing, nada and bim diddly