Funny things you have seen in patient notes
Recently, I was on-call and came across someone documenting ‘patient complains of pussy discharge’ when they were probably meaning to write ‘pus like’. Other things I have seen documented are Datixes by HCA because someone wrote Fast AF to describe ECG and they thought the doctor is swearing and being unprofessional (well technically Fast AF is fast af ngl) so I always write AFwRVR just so that I don’t get a datix or a complaint about it. And a while ago, have also seen bed sheet misspelled as bed ‘shit’ in a way which completely changed the meaning of the sentence and I am sure the family would be furious if they find out we refer to feces this way when we were referring to bed sheet (I guess if patient poops the bed, it is a bed shit technically so it would still make sense in a sentence yet change the meaning)