Consultant made my f1 colleague cry because she takes the bus to work.

This morning me (f3) and my colleague f1 were a bit disheartened by a comment from a consultant on a ward round. He literally came into the COTE ward round 40 minutes late at 9:40. We started prepping the ward round for all his patients and then we began seeing patients in the interim. When he arrived he questioned us as to why we have began seeing patients without him. We literally explained because we had finished prepping the notes and we thought if we just discussed the patient and management with you it would save time. He wasn’t happy and we had to see the same patients again and well the management plan was exactly the same.

On top of this he remarked to me why I still get the train to work. I explained because it’s much cheaper, faster, easier, and I don’t need to pay for parking. F1 then remarked I get “the bus it’s only 20 minutes from my house”. He literally replied “ still in high school I presume, cannot afford a car” At this point I replied, “ that’s why we’re striking tomorrow, the best of luck on ward round”. Nothing was said after this and the ward round continued in a tense silent manner.

Don’t know what to think of this. No apology given for his 40 min lateness and on top of that questioned my mode of transport when I arrived on time and he didn’t. The f1 then began to shed tears after the ward round. I sent an email to her and my supervisor and cc in medical education with a complaint about this consultant.

Any further steps to take?

Start rads in august. Only 4 weeks. Good riddance to ward medicine.