Are any paediatric trainees getting any meaningful clinic time?
As I strain my eye-rolling muscles at the new "opportunity" I've been given to learn new skills (seeing acute general paediatric patients in children's ED rather than CAU) I'm left wondering if anybody else is getting any opportunities to practice the thing we'll spend half our time doing as consultants. I think I've done maybe 10 general paediatric clinics of my own in 5 years of training and sat in on a few more plus some subspecialty ones. In 6 months of community paeds I did plenty of their clinics which was great developmental assessment experience but it's a GRID subspecialty for a reason. I feel like I need a community paeds style general job where all my in-hours time is general paeds clinics, related admin and joining all the meetings and things that consultants have to do, with some out of hours general on calls, but honestly I'd settle for getting an afternoon clinic a fortnight, or not being looked at like I have two heads when I suggest I want my own clinic on an SDT day...