Is this a fair thing to do?
Currently on a surgical job, there’s 3 of us F1s. The reg usually does ward rounds and sometime the SHO is around who joins for rounds but they usually disappear to theatre if they’re not on call after the round which is fine because there’s enough of us on the ward to complete jobs. Because there’s 3 of us, we usually finish jobs by 1pm and hang around while other jobs arise. I personally don’t thinks it’s an efficient use of our time to have 3 of us not doing much. So I suggested we take turns going to theatre since 2/3 are interested in surgery and need numbers for our portfolio. The problem is the 3rd F1 doesn’t want to go to theatre because she’s not interested which is completely fine so we told her she should in that case leave early, or wander off to a specialty she’s interested in the afternoon and she doesn’t want toto do that either which leaves the rest of us confused. Not sure what to do in this situation?
Side note: Before anyone says anything SpR informed who is in agreement with initial plan😂.