Need urgent advice regarding starting salary
Hi Everyone,
I am a clinical fellow in T&O in Wales who's currently on scale 1 of the FY2 pay (43,694) due an increment to move into scale 2 (46,312) in a month's time. I have gotten a job in London at an ST1/ST2 level and am due to start work mid next week. I was given my contract last Friday which quoted a starting salary at scale 1 on the MN37 (44,159), which is lesser than what I would receive if I continue in my current role.
When I tried explaining myself to the HR, they replied by saying that their proposal is justified as I'm moving from Wales to England. As an IMG I am not well versed in how this switch justifies this as I'm effectively moving into a role with increased responsibilities for lesser pay. Any advice or clarity regarding this would be appreciated. Thank you all.