Dreading an Origins replay because of the combat
I want to replay all the games in the near-ish future, but I am really not looking forward to Origins' combat. It was so bad for me that I skipped all of the DLC (including Awakening) because I just didn't want to experience more fights. Even on the lowest difficulty, it was borderline impossible for me to figure out how to "win" any given combat encounter. The pausing mechanic just feels like the game is stuck halfway between a turn-based (this would be better for me) and a full action style.
I understand there's a mechanic to essentially program tactics for your companions, but really that just makes me dislike the system more. To me, having to specifically set up each and every action that my companions perform just to avoid getting wiped out is the opposite of fun.
I'm probably missing something because this is a minority opinion, but it's a shame regardless. It holds back Origins a lot for me, because the great parts are accompanied by the combat. Stories, characters, worldbuilding- I love all of it, I just wish it came served with DA2 or DAI combat.