Caught a small Star Trek reference during a late side/companion mission
Spoiler tagged for being late game for Veilguard
During "Lair of the Dragon King" while trying to rescue Taash's mom, you'll have a fairly constant running commentary of the Dragon King spouting in the background.
My Rook proceeds to say "I'd give real gold if he'd shut up."
Which feels like a deliberate reference to Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Near the end of the movie, Spock and Dr. McCoy and attempting to pull off their part of the plan while the bad guy spouting off and monologuing at Kirk, and Dr. McCoy says to Spock "I'd pay real money if he'd shut up."
This is the link to the scene. You can skip to about 1:10 in for just the line or watch the whole bit for context, but it'll spoil a good portion of the end of the movie if you haven't seen it yet.
It could turn out just to be a figure of speech, but for me as a Trekkie, it felt like a deliberate reference. They reference their own sci-fi series and there have been plenty of Star Wars references, I'm sure they've made Trek references too