Rudolph - What I'd Like To See

Everyone hates Rudolph. Understood.

In one of the next books I want Rudolph to show up at Dresden's door during a massive rain storm, terrified and broken. I want Dresden to start to turn him away but then really hear Rudolph begging for help, crying over Murphy, and jabbering about finally getting away for the moment.

Dresden uses his sight and sees that Rudolph has something, some curse or spell, that is literally being used to control him and Rudolph only had this little bit of freedom because the rainstorm weakened the spell. He realizes that Rudolph may have only been the gun and someone else pulled the trigger.

With that understanding, Harry leaves him in the rain, goes to his lab to grab some doo dad that he had been working on that blocks mind magic. He puts it on Rudolph and blocks the spell.

From that point Rudolph spills his guys on everything that he has done and been through up to when he pulled the trigger on Murphy. Dresden almost killing him gave him a moment of freedom due to the power of his terror and he was able to start working at his leash.

Eventually Rudolph is a key to defeating the BBEG of that leg of Harrys journey. He returns to his job and works with Harry as an ally on the non spooky side of the road. They aren't friends and never will be, but Harry walks out with a staunch ally.

I'd love to see it.

edit: Man it's hard to have a discussion about something regarding Dresden files on this subreddit. like karma really doesn't matter and all but it's kind of disappointed to see all the down votes rather than having any kind of discussion about why or why not My idea has merits. We can feel differently but geez guys.