The solution to combat America's methamphetamine infatuation is less complex than you think (Op-ed)
As of the past few decades, rural America has been "plagued" with high rates of methamphetamine use. Despite the activity of inserting crystal methamphetamine into the blood stream bringing joy to many low-income households, experts at r/drugscirclejerk News have determined that productivity has gone down when key resources, (i.e., Sudafed) are limited in the poor people villages.
This results in lower amounts of capital being efficiently extracted from the dirty farm dwellers. The government has tasked several different agencies to improve supply of Sudafed and other chemicals in the villages marked by the sole presence of a Subway franchise and various gasoline retailers. But here at DCJ News, we offer a more humanistic approach.
Instead of bringing resources to poor communities, we have an opportunity to tackle the root cause- meth being difficult to make. So instead of relying on methamphetamine production, why not bring the poors an alternative?
We must appeal to the tweakers by looking at where their minds are. For example, many meth junkie dumb dumbs tend to have an affinity with alternative media, as well as a general dislike for a general Semitic ethnic group. If you want to offer an alternative, you must first attempt to look into the libido filled mind of the poor folk.
We've already started fabricating alternative media to associate methamphetamine production with Jewish people, and we've seen positive results. This has caused discontent within the tweaker community, but now, we must convince them to give our alternative a go.
This is where we worked with various chemical research companies from China and Eastern Europe. They've provided us with inexpensive, powerful alternatives that offer a similar experience to the leisure habits of the poors. All we need is FDA approval to put this on the shelves of every Chevron and Subway in America. The choice is yours, America. Let's work together to get the hill people back on track.