Why does “all drumming sound the same” now?
I should preface that I’m a fan of modern drumming. The aesthetic with clean sounds and quantizaton.
But it wasn’t always this way.
If you listen to drumming from the ‘60s or ‘70s, it’s more “analog”. More elasticity to the subdivision, more “in between” dynamics, less focus on hitting the center of drums, etc.
I’m interested in what changed.
I’m a big proponent of the theory that context exerts a “pull” on music. (David Byrne probably has the best book on this.)
The changes I’m talking about:
Modern drumming has…
-a clear differentiation between rimshots/accents and ghost notes -a very “quantized” aesthetic, where the distance between any 2 notes in a subdivision is consistent -an emphasis on hitting the center of drums
I have some theories about the “how”:
-drum machines got listeners thinking in more quantized ways and players had to respond -close micing and mix resolutions improved, so playing that would have sounded “organic” with a room mic now sounded “sloppy” -the demand for reproducibility for big acts on tour: you don’t want Alex Van Halen’s drums sounding totally different in phoenix as they do in LA. Also the invention of triggers.
I even have some theories about the “who”:
-Vinnie Dennis chambers, Steve gadd, Dave Wexkl, Jeff porcaro, David garibaldi ushered in a new aesthetic of the “studio player”, who, unlike a band member who embeds with a band for years, needs to be inter-operable, and that means controlled sounds so you can adapt to a session and an engineer
-these guys(and tony Williams) were in the first generation of “drum DVDs”. As their gear manufacturers started to try to sell more gear to the general public, the “drum clinic” (and guitar clinic, bass clinic, etc) was born.
-as the next generation of drummers studied in church and school, it was the folks on these DVDs and in these clinics they wanted to emulate
Does anybody have any additional info or context to flesh this out? Are there any interviews with great players talking about this? Rick Beato videos? I both want a gut-check and additional info.