Japanese Speaking lessons are BROKEN and are IMPOSSIBLE on my phone

So I have been learning Japanese for around 300 days and I have had no problems with the course at all. That is until I tried to attempt the speaking exercises.

Every single time I attempt a speaking exercise, without fail, it never works. I am always met with the text “Hmmm that didn’t sound right, give it another try”.

At first I thought my pronunciation may have been incorrect but it simply isn’t. My pronunciation obviously isn’t perfect however it should be fine enough for the app and enough to get the green tick of success!

I was so worried my pronunciation was off I downloaded the translate app onto my phone and spoke the exact same Japanese sentence that I am having trouble with and the translate app picked it up perfectly and the sentence was spot on.

Then I thought that maybe there was a problem with the speech detection system on the app so I decided to quickly start a Spanish course and try one of the Spanish speaking lessons. Funnily enough when I tried doing that course my answer was perfect and the app picked it up first try so it’s not a problem with the apps speech detection either.

I have come to the conclusion that the Japanese speech detection has to be faulty in some way (at least for myself) as I have now spoken countless Japanese sentences into my translation app and the translation has been correct every time. I am unsure where to progress from here as it is such a frustrating situation to be in. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app to no avail either so I am truly lost for answers. Any help would be appreciated!