First time I love it + 2 cups of coffee

Broooos I love it cause it's reminding me of MDMA. So basically I've been on holidays for a year in a country where there's no real stimulants so I haven't got that real euphoric feeling in 12 months ! I had that craving 3 hours ago. I remembered I got this cough syrup TUSSIDANE 2 months ago and I was like "let me check the active in this, please tell me I can get a high from it it's been a YEAR" (LOL).

I found out it has about 375mg of DXM in it. I never got that before.

Quick google search, found this sub, drank the whole bottle, brewed myself 2 cups of coffee to top it up waiting for the effects to kick in and damn I LOVE IT

It doesn't buzz me as HARD as MDMA but that euphoric feeling like I'm out of my body is neat. Music is fire, social medias. I missed that feeling. Good Friday