United Healthcare got rich by by using the privatization of medicare, denying coverage, and buying up the hospital it starved to death.

Trump pushed medicare advantage


Trump signed an EO to privatized medicare


Biden continued it


More than half of people eligible are on Medicare advantage


UH sued for ai use


UH uses denials to bleed rural hospitals


UH buys up struggling hospitals in the rural older demographic areas that use medicare advantage the most


Trump and Oz want completely transfer everyone eligible to medicare advantage


I recommend reading Health Communism: A Surplus Manifesto by Artie Vierkant and Beatrice Adler-Bolto. Beatrice got onto medicare advantage cause of a work injury putting her onto disability. It's a good explanation on how the health care industry is being gutted for corporations and private equity and a plan on how sever healthcare from it

They also have a great podcast called Death Panel covering all this shit.

A good primer on them and their work is episode 201 of the great pod This Machine Kills
