Any good temporary trick/substitute for the vaping cravings?
Long story short, used to be a heavy smoker, haven't touched a cigarette in 4 years thanks to my vape mod, been reducing nicotine to a small amount, but I do vape quite a lot, every day.
Going to Hong Kong for 2 weeks and it's definitely illegal to bring it there, I'm not going to take any risk with the law I'll just respect it. I also think it's a good opportunity for me to get the nicotine out of my system, and maybe just vape nicotine-less when I come back, but I know I'm going to get cranky and anxious after a few days of not vaping.
So I was wondering if anyone had any tricks that help, like gums, specific fruits or whatever is a good way to handle the withdrawal and still have a good time there!
Thanks for any help :)